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A bunch of ingredients in one picture.

What I do

A beautiful blend of healing nutritional plans tailored to my client's unique health and life goals coupled with 1:1 coaching and accountability to support my clients in successfully reversing symptoms and enhancing their life.

You’ll be amazed at what can happen when you actively focus on your health. For me, it changed everything!

My journey to health started as a young kid with a skin problem that was healed by food.  My early life, teen years and well into my 20's have been a cycle of health imbalances that have been healed by food. Food is always the answer. What we put into and onto our bodies is the answer. With food, comes health, and with health, comes more health, more self-discoveries, more intuition, and more passion for life.

A lady smiling beautifully.

Let me show you how...

a  personalised approach...

will give you the best possible outcome simply because it's programmed for you.


Diet fads are always coming and going, yet the rate of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and obesity is the highest it has ever been in the history of the world.


A one-style-for-all approach is not the solution.


A personalised food program designed to target your personal needs, your individual health goals, your current circumstances, your lifestyle, work schedule, family schedule and more, is what is needed for you to achieve your health goals.

Dani Jones


A picture of a lady who sent us a testimonials.
I have to say it’s only day 2 but my bloatedness that I had is gone!!! and with the delicious smoothies and my yummy salmon dish last night (omg delicious) I haven’t felt once the urge to snack which is something I do a lot so feeling on a good path that can only get better X

Health Services

A beautiful lady reading a book.

1:1 Health and life assessment


Meet with Amy to go through a full Health and Life Assessment

Package 1: My Food Program

This package is for the person with limited time who requires a food program personalized to their needs. 

Blueberry Oatmeal in a bowl.
Granola Yogurt in  a bowl.

Package 2: A Personalized Approach with Amy

Work with Amy on a 1:1 basis to establish your very own personalized meal plan and food program.

Package 3: The 6-Week Transformation

The Ultimate Transformation Work 1:1  with Amy over 6 weeks to improve your health and diet, lifestyle, passion and clarity around your goals  

A lady sitting in the floor while drinking her cup of tea.

My Food Philosophy

Nature provides. It has, and always will.


Whatever ailment, disease, or symptom you are experiencing – food and what you are eating most days is either the cause or prevention of it.

If you were to simply stand present in front of a lemon tree and ask yourself, how on earth is this growing living force providing a fruit that I can pick off and put into my mouth that will help my digestive system work properly?

Like, it’s bizarre!

We plant seeds, tiny seeds that develop under the ground and turn into tasty fruit trees and vegetables that we can eat to keep us alive and moreover, heal our bodies from disease.

“Nature is truly powerful and abundant to all of us”


My focus, mission and passion is to create recipes and food programs using nature’s healing wholefood goodness. I like to find the not-so-healthy meals and re-create them into much healthier, and in my personal, and clients’ opinions, MUCH tastier.

By using the fundamentals of nature and the healing properties of whole foods, I put together food programs that can heal specific ailments, imbalances, dis-eases and will improve your overall quality of life – immensely!


Changing how I view and eat food has literally changed every aspect of my life. It changed my health, of course, but it also changed my mindset, my intelligence, my relationships, and my success in life.

​If you are ready and willing to make some changes that will radically enhance your life, then you my friend, are at the right place!

A beautiful lady holding a bunch of carrots.

Try out some of my recipe ebooks

I love creating recipes and ebooks! It gets me in the kitchen and that's where I love to be. Creating and eating!


My mission is to create recipes that are EASY. I know how time-poor many of us are and spending hours in the kitchen is not what we want! So, I like to make recipes that are easy to follow, quick, full of flavour, healthy and TASTY.

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