I hear ya!
I mean this is something we’ve all been through and honestly, the confusion isn’t going anywhere. There will always be more studies, more opinions, more NEW DIET TRENDS and more evolution. The last bit is a positive thing.
The question “what and who to trust when it comes to Nutrition and Health?” comes up a lot for me with my clients or prospective clients more so. And I totally get it – it’s bloody hard to know who is preaching the right health and nutrition advice – the market is saturated with opinions. For every fact you find, there are 10 contradicting facts – so how do we know what we need to do?
The thing is, yes there are right advice and yes there is wrong advice when it comes to how YOU approach health.
Il put it this way – A primarily pescatarian diet and a regular yoga practice might be the exact style of healthy living that your body and mind thrive on and you absolutely love how you feel following this style. But for your neighbour, a pescatarian diet might stress out their system, inflame their gut and they might hate yoga! – so for them, this style would be toxic.
Remember, if we don’t like the foods we eat or like the movement and health regime we undertake – then we are not going to be healthy. A popular statement floating around our nutrition institute used to be;
“You can eat all the kale and broccoli you like, but if you’re in an abusive relationship – you’re not going to be healthy”
That statement is absolutely accurate and relevant today. The more that people begin to understand the effect our emotions have on our physical and mental health, the more we will be able to heal our bodies using our own thoughts – now that is a whole other topic I will chat about later.
The truth of it is that there are foundational health structures that have stood the test of time, such as;
Eating Clean Whole Food
Drinking clean water
Moving your body daily
Getting sun on your skin daily
Practising gratitude
Having positive and healthy relationships
Breathing correctly
Getting quality sleep
Following your passion
These methods work and should be front and centre of your health routine. And to be honest, if you can tick all of the above daily then you are doing AMAZING already, you’re done! you’ve made it! No need to change anything!
“Anything you do on top of that is a bonus in my opinion”
I was never a quiet student who took teachers or lectures at their word – Im a Scorpio after all -, ‘very cautious about who we trust 😉 – I always have and always will question the science. To be honest – we have to. Unfortunately, many of the billion-dollar (and billions, and billions) pharmaceutical and food industry corporations rely on a population of humans who believe what they’ve been told, who trust the ‘experts’ that they are told to trust (hired and paid off by these large corporations), and who don’t question what they’ve been told even when the proof is right in front of them. It’s easier not to know the truth – and it’s easier to ‘pretend’ you didn’t have a clue what was happening. Who wants to take accountability for their own actions right?
So yes, I’m someone who firstly, questions the science and secondly, I practice what I preach before I preach it. I test my health findings on myself before I recommend them to anyone. I will always integrate what I learn and allow time to integrate and test what I learn. You’ve gotta do it!
If you can’t trust the advice given to you by the very ones who are elected to give you that advice then who can you trust to look out for your best health interests? – Only yourself!
This may sound like I’m anti-trusting of people – absolutely not. But I have learned, and un-learned a lot of advice and science given to me over the years that has gone against and negatively impacted my health. I’ve spent years tuning into my body, removing all the ‘foods’, poisons, chemicals and additives that are ready-ily available to us, marketed to us and actually approved and recommended to us by the F-D-A – The food and drug Association! – And the rest!!! – to come out on the other side, healthier, stronger, more intelligent, more connected, more happier and more passionate than ever before – and did I mention that happened after I went against their advice?
Please take the above lightly because I’m laughing as I’m writing this. I mean if you didn’t laugh you’d bloody cry at what’s going on! So let’s laugh! 😛
I guess to summarise my little tangent above there and get back to the question at hand; “what and who to trust when it comes to Nutrition and Health?”
Trust yourself.
Trust your intuition.
Follow the ancient foundational pillars of health mentioned in the bullet points above.
Seek out mentors, health professionals, farmers, whoever! – seek out the ones who are walking their talk. Who have integrity. Who are healthy and living a life of purpose. Who practice what they preach – and the ones who question the narratives and seek the truth.
Follow them – connect with them – learn from them – learn for yourself – read the books – integrate practices into your own life – adjust them accordingly to suit your own uniqueness and then be that positive influence for others to do the same.
We live, we learn, we grow, we evolve , we pass on the knowledge – NOT ; we live, we listen, we learn nothing, we pass on nothing, we leave the world worse off, we get sick, we die.
Break the cycle.
Take your future into your own hands.
Trust in your ability.
Trust in your innate intelligence.
Lean into the unknown.
You are intelligent and powerful and yes you have the ability to reset your life in this very moment. We are all cut from the same cloth. And I know my cloth is pure gold so yours must be too 🙂
Thanks for listening.