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How a personalised food program healed me

Amy O Grady

My very first personalised food program was created, as you can guess, personalised to me and my body’s needs.

I’ve bought many online programs before and none of them ever stuck. At times I would spend hundreds of dollars on food programs aiming to fix my body. At the time I was having heaps of digestive issues, skin issues, migraines and hormonal imbalances. My gut was rejecting all food. Putting it grimly, it would go in one end and out the other within the hour. This was a huge problem. My body was shutting down from malabsorption and malnutrition. My skin had always been an issue but during this period it had become severely inflamed with painful boil-like lumps on my jawline and neck. I had just been diagnosed with poly-cystic-ovarian syndrome and told that it was incurable and I would just need to stay on medication to prevent further symptoms.

I felt hopeless.

True to my nature, I went looking for alternative advice. I wasn’t keen on hearing a so-called ‘health professional’ tell me my body was simply not working properly and there was nothing I could do. That’s when I found an Integrative Nutrition Practitioner who would help me change my life in one visit.

I couldn’t believe it at the time, this guy was asking me all sorts of questions about my health. I had to try and think back as far as I could to when I first became ill or started having issues with my digestion and health in general. I told him the whole story! And surprisingly for me, he was actually interested and listened. This was not the service I was used to. Once we had laid out all my cards on the table we were able to piece together common triggers in my diet that would irritate or inflame my body further. From there we spoke in length about how I wanted to feel. What I enjoyed eating. When I enjoyed eating and what my health goals were. This was the first time in my life that I had acknowledged that question. ‘What were my health goals?’ That never even came into my consciousness. I was always busy trying to fix my body myself that I never thought to make health goals. Together we created a personalised meal plan that included when and how I wanted to eat as well as what kind of foods I loved to eat and what kind of foods I didn’t love to eat. I was so excited because together we were mapping out my future. Because I had a hectic work schedule at the time, we made a plan that would suit my hours and the times of day that I could afford to spend time in the kitchen and the times of day I needed to be out the door as quick as possible with a packed lunch. My meal plan was created and was emailed to me and my journey to healthy living was officially underway! I was so excited! I had found someone who actually cared, who really listened and nest of all, who personalised my health goals to me! My meal plan included;

  • Smoothie recipes

  • Breakfast recipes for on-the-go

  • High-energy lunches

  • Super hearty and nutritious dinners

  • Delicious dinner sides

  • Sugar-free treats

  • All my meals were gluten-free, dairy-free and sugar-free.

I was on my way!

My plan fit in perfectly with my lifestyle. I loved the 7-day meal plan as it meant I didn’t have to plan anything myself, I simply just grabbed the grocery list and ordered my food online to be delivered. I didn’t need to spend any extra time researching recipes and buying random ingredients that I wouldn’t use again.

My food would arrive and I would spend a total of 1.5hrs a week prepping all my lunches, smoothies and breakfasts for the week and then come dinner time, I would be so full of energy and excitement to get into the kitchen to make my fresh homecooked dinner with the instructions laid out for me to make it super easy!

I gained so much time back and saved so much money on the grocery bill!

I was no longer eating out for lunch or grabbing something unhealthy before work.

I no longer felt the urge to buy 3 coffees a day because I had so much energy from my food!

I joined pilates to burn off some of my energy after work! I found myself arriving home from work and feeling confused as to what I should do. Usually, it would be dinner, exhaustion, couch then bed. But now, I was bursting with energy and had nowhere to go. So off to pilates I went, sometimes 6 classes a week!

In under 3 weeks pretty much ALL of my symptoms had disappeared.

I no longer had migraines (and haven’t had one since then which is almost 6 years ago now. My PCOS symptoms became non-existent, my skin didn’t just clear up, it became bright, smooth, and full of colour. My digestive system was flowing so naturally. This was the biggest thing for me to be honest. I actually felt the effects of eating clean healthy food daily and my body responded to this on all levels.

My heart was exploding with contentment and happiness with my newfound health regime.

I used that program for 3 months until I didn’t really need it anymore. I had felt the effects of it, mastered my recipes and from then on, I intuitively knew what to eat and what would make me feel and what would make me feel alive!

I am forever grateful to my Nutrition Coach for listening to my body and creating something for me that changed everything for me.

I wholeheartedly believe in the power of a personalised nutrition plan! It’s not just about eating well to feel good or look good (although that comes baby! that comes!) – my entire life’s trajectory altered to this higher way of living. Using the power of wholefood medicine to increase and enhance my cells gave me the ability to change my career, change my relationships, to reach for higher goals!, To GET to those higher goals, without challenge! To learn better, and faster, to think better and faster and to really improve every experience I had moving forward.

It’s not just a meal plan, it’s a life-changing opportunity that you never knew you needed.

Thanks for listening!

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