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How I healed my own body through eating wholefoods

Amy O Grady

It tends to happen this way – we understand the pain and trauma that an unhealthy body and mind can feel within ourselves, we dive deeper, learn how to heal, and begin to discover just how utterly life-changing and amazing it feels to truly have a healthy body, mind and soul – because from there, every single thing about your life changes!

My story doesn’t greatly differ from many women who suffer from food, lifestyle and hormonal imbalances. I guess I was lucky that the medical system let me down at such an early age because I learned before the age of 10 that nobody else will fight for your health more than you.

Growing up, I ate a lot of junk -like many others. My diet was high in processed foods, sugar, dairy, wheat and gluten. Naturally, my gut reacted badly which resulted in an unusual skin condition (that lasted 4 years). And this was just a tiny piece of the puzzle.

During my teenage years, my diet worsened. I developed more imbalances such as cystic acne and migraines, both of which, were extremely painful. The migraines actually sent me to the hospital for a lumbar puncture to test for bleeding around the brain (luckily, this wasn’t the case).I was prescribed steroids and antibiotics for my skin which I would continue to take, on and off for 10 years (I know!)

It wasn’t until my early to mid ’20s when everything really surfaced to the point that I couldn’t ignore it anymore. It’s ironic, but if you ignore your health – it does go away!

It’s ironic, but if you ignore your health – it does go away!

I had been abusing my gut with inflammatory foods, alcohol, the contraceptive pill, prescribed medications, and toxic beauty products like perfumes, deodorants, make-up and creams for 20+ years!

“I was a walking chemical concoction”

My body finally put the foot down when I was around 25.

I had just been diagnosed with PCOS which I was told was incurable (incorrect FYI) and on top of all the usual, and sometimes embarrassing and painful symptoms of PCOS, my gut began to reject all food! At first, it was the gluten, then the dairy, then rice, then fruit, then eggs, then … everything!

My gut would react so badly to everything I was putting into it – I knew I needed help but I couldn’t go back down the medical route.

I had seen countless doctors and skin specialists over the years who never once asked me anything about my diet or lifestyle – they just prescribed me my ‘usual’ antibiotics, hormonal medication and steroids and sent me on my way (usually less than a 10-minute $90 appointment) – I’m sure one doctor who I saw for 3 years never actually knew what I looked like because she never looked at my face! – she had the prescription typed before I even sat down in her office and would hand it to me and ask me to close the door – an awesome service!

“Intuitively I knew food was the problem, and also the answer”

I decided to seek help – Nutritionally.

I went online and found a tonne of conflicting messages about food and nutrition. I spent weeks researching gut protocols and healing food programs but nothing resonated with me. I spent hundreds of dollars buying generic food programs only to find the food in those programs didn’t suit me or my lifestyle. I knew I needed a Personalised Nutrition Program – something designed specifically for my needs and my unique health history.

I found a local Integrative Nutritionist and booked my appointment! This was the best first step in the right direction I ever took!

Our appointment took over 2 hours! We had a lot to go through as you can imagine! I couldn’t believe the amount of time this man was putting into me. He went through my entire life history, asking me all sorts of questions tracing back to when I was 6 years old and had difficulty going to the toilet! I had never before experienced this sort of treatment from a health professional.

“For the first time in my life, it felt like someone cared enough to dig deeper into my health and actually help me”

That was the first and only appointment I’ve ever had with a Nutrition expert! I didn’t need to go back. We created a Personalised Food and Lifestyle plan for me and within 3 weeks, ALL my symptoms had disappeared! All of them!

“I had never felt so good in all my life!”

My migraines disappeared

My mood lifted

My hair and nails started to grow

That stubborn excess fat around my waistline, abdomen, back and arms fell away

My energy was through the roof

My heart was feeling more than it ever had before

My brain felt awake and alive like never before…

And I started to truly love myself for the first time in my life

I learned how to look after myself and how to feed my mind, my body and my soul the best, most nourishing foods that Mother Nature had to offer.

I started to look at my world with new, fresh, brighter eyes I was so intrigued!

I began reading everything health-related I could get my hands on, attending workshops, seminars and courses on food philosophy, health and wellbeing, nutrition and ancient healing practices.

I couldn’t get enough!

I decided to enrol in the Institute of Integrative Nutrition studying under the world’s greatest leaders in health and wellness such as Dr. Mark Hyman MD, Deepak Chopra MD, Andrew Weil, MD, Libby Weaver PhD to name a small few.

I went on to advance and focus on Gut and hormone health at a deeper level and that’s when I began creating Nutrition and Holistic Health Programs for my clients, helping them heal their own imbalances and illnesses.

My true passion had awoken in me through the power of eating whole foods – and this is EXACTLY what happens with my clients when we work together in creating long-lasting and life-changing results!

have the power to make real change in your life. I am merely here to guide you in the right direction while giving you the best possible (and personalised) tools and support you need to get there.

I discovered who I was and what I was here to do, which is to help women HEAL their bodies so they can feel alive, vibrant and limitless every single day.

I want you to SHINE like never before!

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